
The West is pushing Iran to cooperate with the nuclear organization

Western powers on Friday called on Iran to take “substantial and urgent” action on issues raised by the UN nuclear watchdog, a day after Tehran was criticized for its lack of cooperation.

On Thursday, the International Atomic Energy Agency’s board of governors, based in Vienna, adopted a resolution aimed at Tehran amid a standoff over undeclared uranium particles.

“The board has sent a clear message that it is very important and urgent that Iran fulfill its safeguards obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty,” France, Germany, the UK and the US said in a joint statement.

The countries called on Iran to “immediately take the specified actions.”

The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is an international agreement aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.

The same countries brought a resolution to the IAEA, the second of its kind in six months, regarding Iran’s lack of “technically credible” responses.

The organization pressed Iran to explain the presence of undeclared artificial uranium found at three sites, demanding “access to sites and materials” and the collection of samples.

Western powers accuse Iran of seeking to develop nuclear weapons, something Tehran has always denied.

In a statement Friday, Western powers welcomed the latest resolution and called on Iran to explain the presence of the particles.

“We hope that Iran will take this opportunity to cooperate in good faith with the IAEA to resolve these outstanding issues,” it said.

The resolution, adopted by the IAEA’s 35-nation council, was passed by 26 votes to two, with five abstentions and two countries absent, diplomats told AFP.

Russia and China voted against.

Tehran criticized the resolution, warning that it could affect cooperation with the IAEA.

The impasse over the agency’s investigation comes as broader talks to renew a key 2015 nuclear deal have stalled.

The agreement reached by Iran with Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States allowed Tehran to lift sanctions in exchange for guarantees that it would not be able to develop nuclear weapons.

The agreement collapsed after Washington unilaterally withdrew in 2018 under then-President Donald Trump.

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The head of the IAEA still hopes that the visit to Tehran will take place

Vienna (AFP), November 16, 2022

The head of the UN nuclear agency, Rafael Grossi, said on Wednesday that he hoped a planned visit to Tehran to investigate traces of uranium found in Iran would still go ahead. His comments came after Tehran appeared to doubt the visit was even on the agenda. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is demanding answers from Iran about the presence of undeclared nuclear materials found at three sites. The IAEA’s investigation was a key moment that led to criticism of the decision… read on The West is pushing Iran to cooperate with the nuclear organization

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