
LG Chem to build new plants for the production of pyrolysis oils and aerogels – Chemical Engineering

November 21, 2022 | By Mary Bailey

LG Chem (Seoul, South Korea) has announced that it will start construction of a pyrolysis oil plant, investing about 310 billion won by 2024 in the Seongmun National Industrial Complex in Dongjin, Chungnam to create a circular plastic economy, as well as build a new production plant airgel. known as next generation insulation material. The goal is to start construction on both plants by the first quarter of next year and commercial production by 2024.

Earlier this year, LG Chem announced the construction of the country’s first supercritical pyrolysis oil plant and completed the licensing and entry permit procedures for the Seongmun National Industrial Complex in June. Supercritical refers to special heat sources that are generated in a vapor state at temperatures and pressures above the critical point of water, and it acquires both the solubility of liquids and the diffusion of gases, making it useful for mining certain materials.

Airgel is a highly effective insulation material that is more than 95% gas and is known as the lightest solid in the world. It is attracting attention as a next-generation material that is light as air, yet non-wettable with water and has non-flammable characteristics that allow it to withstand high temperatures.

The global chemical recycling market in terms of pyrolysis oil obtained from plastic waste is expected to grow from 700,000 tons in 2020 to 3.3 million tons by 2030, growing at an average annual rate of 17%. In addition, the airgel market is also expected to grow with increasing demand for industrial insulation materials such as transportation and storage of environmentally friendly energy (liquefied hydrogen), prevention of battery thermal runaway, etc.

Starting with the construction of a pyrolysis oil and airgel plant, LG Chem plans to turn the Dangjin business site in Chungnam into a mecca for environmentally friendly and forward-looking materials. LG Chem to build new plants for the production of pyrolysis oils and aerogels – Chemical Engineering

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