
A letter to Santa Claus: how and when to send it

Christmas excitement is already building across the UK and children across the country will be planning what they would like to give this year. Sending a letter to Santa Claus is the first requirement to avoid a disappointing Christmas, and the deadline to get your note to the North Pole in time is fast approaching.

So that Santa Claus receives your letter as soon as possible this year, Royal Mail recommends sending it by December 9th. That way, he’ll have plenty of time to find out what you want for Christmas and get it ready for you before the big day.

Santa delivered a very special message to the children via Royal Mail in which he says what he is doing now and when he will start reading and answering letters. He asks that you be sure to put his full address on the envelope, stamp the envelope for Santa, and put your full name and address on the letter.

His letter reads: “Dear children, are you looking forward to Christmas this year? I, of course! Christmas is a very exciting but stressful time for me.

“The elves are busy making toys. Reindeer working on a sled. And I am busy preparing a list of those who have been good. On Christmas Eve I will prepare my sleigh for the long journey. In the meantime, I’ll try to answer as many of you as possible.”

He added that you should send your letter to: Santa/Father Christmas, Santa’s Grotto, Reindeerland XM4 5HQ. Santa has another very special request: remember his mince pie and Rudolph carrots!

How to request a letter from RNIB

Santa has a selection of special elves at the Royal National Institute for the Blind. These elves help Santa respond to blind or partially sighted children.

You can write a message to Santa and ask him to respond by filling out the form at RNIB website. You can then receive your letter all the way from the North Pole in braille, large print or on audio CD. A letter to Santa Claus: how and when to send it

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