
Large number of over 50 pets at Markethill, prices up to £2,350

150 bulls sold to steady demand with good quality steers making £220-£251 to £550k to £1395 from Keady followed by £243 to £560k to £1365 from Benburb.

Aberdeen Angus bulls to £239 for 576k at £1375 from the Newtownhamilton producer.

Animal markets

Quality middleweight steers in strong demand with all lots of good quality making £230-£270 for £436k to £1175 from Portadown manufacturer.

The same owner got £264 for 456k at £1205.

Keady farmer 55k £1395 £251.00; Benburb farmer 562k £1365 £243.00; Newtownhamilton farmer £576k £1375 £239.00; Keady farmer 532k £1265 £238.00; Keady farmer 530k £1245 £235.00; Ballynahinch farmer 594k £1395 £235.00; Ballynahinch farmer 612k £1425 £233.00; Ballynahinch farmer 600k £1395 £233.00 and Newtownhamilton farmer 572k £1315 £230.

Portadown farmer 436k £1175 £270.00; Portadown farmer 456k £1205 £264.00; Arma farmer 442k £1155 £261.00; Belleeks farmer 462k £1205 £261.00; Whitecross farmer 426k £1095 £257.00; Portadown farmer 462k £1175 £254.00; Portadown farmer 482k £1195 £248.00 and Keady farmer 442k £1095 £248.

120 heifers sold to a very firm trade with good quality heifers making £220-£265/100kg for £508k at £1,345 from Armagh Farmer.

The same owner made £257 for 520k at £1,335 and an Annamore farmer made £242 for 570k at £1,395.

Aberdeen Angus heifers sold to £237 for 570k at £1365.

Quality middleweight heifers sold to £249 for £468k at £1165 from an Annamore farmer, followed by £249 at £456k at £1135 from an Annamore producer.

Main demand for good quality heifers from £220 to £235.

Armagh farmer 508k £1345 £265.00; Armagh farmer 520k £1335 £257.00; Annaghmore farmer 576k £1395 £242.00; Cullyhanna farmer 502k £1195 £238.00; Armagh farmer £576k £1365 £237.00; Armagh farmer 590k £1375 £233.00; Annaghmore farmer 540k £1255 £232.00; Dromara farmer 692k £1605 £232.00; Dromara Farmer 638k £1475 £231.00 and Middletown Farmer 652k £1495 £229.

Annaghmore farmer 468k £1165 £249.00; Annaghmore farmer 456k £1135 £249.00; Derrynoose farmer 390k £915 £235.00; Newry farmer £462k £1075 £233.00; Dungannon farmer 392k £885 £226.00; Cookstown Farmer 476k £1075 £227.00 and Cookstown Farmer 402k £895 £223.

170 weanlings sold easily with quality light males £240-£298 to £248k to £740 from Belleeks farmer and then to £275 to £264k to £725 from a breeder from Newry.

Stronger males sold to £244 for £410k on £1000 from the Tandragee producer, followed by £232 for £470k on £1090 from the Cookstown farmer.

Quality weanling heifers sold from the Rathfriland producer from £220 to £276 for £402k to £1110.

The same owner got £254 for 414k at £1050.

Tandragee farmer 410k £1000 £244.00; Cookstown farmer 470k £1090 £232.00; Armagh farmer 482k £1100 £228.00 and Keady farmer 402k £910 £226.

Belleeks farmer 248k £740 £298.00; Newry farmer £264k £725 £275.00; Keady farmer 282k £760 £270.00; Lurgan Farmer 330k £870 £264.00; Rathfriland farmer 358k £930 £260.00; Tandragee farmer 348k £900 £259.00; Newry farmer 302k £760 £252.00 and Newry farmer 314k £780 £248.

Rathfriland farmer 402k £1110 £276.00; Rathfriland farmer 414k £1050 £254.00; Rathfriland farmer £278k £740 £266.00; Lurgan Farmer 330k £870 £264.00; Rathfriland farmer 358k £930 £260.00; Tandragee farmer 348k £900 £259.00; Newry farmer 302k £760 £252.00 and Newry farmer 314k £780 £248.

A large application with more than 50 pets is back. Excellent demand included a special bid of calves from Farmer Killeavy selling to £2,350, others selling to £2,300, £2,280 and £2,020 and a few more selling from £1,700 to £1,980 each.

Cow and calves sold to £1,920 for a Limousin heifer and heifer calf from a Ballynahinch farmer.

The same owner fetched £1,680, £1,580 and £1,460 for the outfits.

A Portadown farmer fetched £1,620 for an Aberdeen Angus heifer and steer. Large number of over 50 pets at Markethill, prices up to £2,350

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